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Sponsor Spotlight – New Payment Innovation (NPI)

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that New Payment Innovation (NPI) is proudly sponsoring the Local Bar Of The Year at the 2023 Awards!

NPI logo

NPI has been at the forefront of the payment services industry, offering cutting-edge solutions to businesses all across Ireland. Their dedication to being a Guaranteed Irish business truly reflects their unwavering commitment to quality, reliability, and outstanding support.

The versatile team at NPI, with their expertise in development, marketing, sales, and customer service, has played a pivotal role in delivering innovative card payment solutions tailored to the diverse needs of businesses like yours.

Whether your operation style is face-to-face, online, or over the phone, or if you require fully integrated EPOS payment options, NPI offers a comprehensive range of solutions, allowing you to focus on what truly matters: YOUR CUSTOMERS!